My A to Z, the finish line of my journey, the starting point of my journey too.
I have passed a sequence of love story in my life.
Little did i know, my love story brought me testimonials I have never imagined people would describe my journey so.
Some told me,
“Love story lo lancar banget”
“Lo gapernah struggle ya kayanya buat urusan jodoh”
“Percintaan lo mulus banget dah”
Yes I heard those all directly.
Sometimes I think they were right, but I also thought they were wrong. All wrong.
I had to collect my scrapped pieces of me to find my significant other.
I had to live far from home, travelled west to east to finally be in the same coordinate with my significant other.
And, I had to face quarrels, adaptation quarrels, miscommunication quarrels, emotional quarrels, unreasonable quarrels, and many other quarrels even after I met my significant other.
Despite those all quarrels, past heartbreaks, disappointment, or miscommunication,
nobody has ever been successfully lower their ego and rising the willing to grow up with me,
nobody has ever been making me stay after I express my anger,
nobody has ever making me to be more mature,
nobody has ever been making me wanting to survive and never give up,
nobody apologized right after making mistakes,
nobody hugged me tighter after seeing me cry,
nobody lower their voice after I rise my voice,
nobody accepted my spontaneous harsh words,
nobody has ever being patient towards my temper,
nobody has ever trying to treat me me more gentle time to time,
nobody has ever always saying yes to my unimportant wishes,
nobody has ever posted random (or long) caption on his instagram like I —almost all the time— ask,
nobody has ever publish how much he’s grateful to have me,
nobody has ever be my answer of who is my significant other,
This man,
Who really fill in the missing puzzle of mine,
who strikethrough those checklist above.
This man,
walking with his integrity on his shoulder,
bravely asked my father to marry me,
to live with me,
to build a family with me,
to let me grow my self achieving my self-actualization,
to build perfection of our belief in front of Him.
Even if I was being reborn,
I would still choose him to be my significant other.
The feeling was new and pure,
And I have always been knew that he is the one since the first day he told me he wanted to have relationship with me.
I have a secret he hadnt known for a while,
That I have been locking my eyes into him since the first time my supervisor asked me to collect deadline data from him.
I didnt remember what clothes he wore,
But i remember mine. I wore a pink-striped T-shirt and jeans with my Roshe Run. Means it was Friday — jeans day!
I never meant to do anything, I actually making border to myself that I am worth someone who is more than a “yaelah baru liat masa udah tertypu dengan charm-nya”.
But thank God we were assigned to the same event so I could assess him once again;
1. He was cooperative along the assignment. Checked! ✔️
This one was ok yet one of warning point as I couldnt ignore if the one I admire is a cooperative type of man.
2. No matter how the interaction was, he was still in the boundaries a.k.a tydac menel dan centyl. Checked! ✔️
3. On the last day of the event, a working partner offered him a glass and dia menenggak sambil menyambut dengan tangan terbuka. Big turn off ❌
And my assessment ended.
Just like that.
Because of that one turn off. I said bye-bye to the key of the lock and I forgot that I have ever locked my eyes to this man.
But things happened and even I didnt asked, I felt he planned to do almost everything in the right way, by how it should be, by how he should be to step into a higher phase of life.
After one turn off, he hit and knocked my door, to open widely and sincerely without any pressure.
He is the figure
the one who has deep religious belief,
the one who prioritizes me,
the one who has good relationship with his mother and the family,
the one who stand the forefront for me and my future family,
the one who only has me on his eyes and heart,
the one who always express his love,
the one who never let me sink into my insecurities,
the one who would never compare me from any aspects as a woman,
the one who make me feel loved,
and the one who always try in any definition in life, love, and laugh.
You make me believe that I worth the world,
You make me believe that myself can do more than my insecurities,
You proof me that you are my missing puzzle, who align with me, and I finally could replace “I” into “we”.
I couldnt thank enough to Allah to unite me with you.
couldnt thank enough my Mother to always praying the best for me,
couldnt thank enough my Father to give me example to value people always from their head and heart,
until Allah placed your name next to me.
From now on,
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